
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance for Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in caves near the Dead Sea in 1947, are one of the great archaeological finds. They include a treasure trove of unique texts created by the Essene community of Qumran which had formed in the desert to restore Judaism to true biblical faith. They also include the earliest manuscripts of every book in the Hebrew Bible, except for Esther. The writings of this...

the four manuscripts to the cleric for twenty-four pounds. Isha’ya, at the Metropolitan’s request, brought a priest of St. Mark’s to the cave, thus verifying the story about the discovery told by the Bedouin. While Mar7 Samuel suspected the scrolls were very old, several individuals to whom he showed them (none of whom was an expert in such matters) doubted their antiquity. In late July Father J. van der Ploeg, an Old Testament scholar at the University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands) who was staying
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